Monday, December 12, 2005

How does an 11 year old pack?

We are packing stuff up ... in a most unorganized fashion. The method looks like this.
1. Grab a box 2. Walk to an area of the house that needs packing 3. Throw anything and everything into the box 4. Take a step back, think, grab a few things out of the box that you might need in Haiti 5. Put that thing you needed in a pile for Haiti 6. Carry your full box down to the downstairs room where we are storing things. It might sound like a decent plan to you --- but consider that four people are doing this.

Things Paige needs in Haiti are quite random and odd. Yesterday we found that she needs a large, framed paint by number picture she painted in third grade, a 11X13 print of a picture of herself and Troy when they were both in a wedding five years ago & a huge box of dominoes that weighs about 6 pounds.

Each bag or bin that we will check to put on the airplane, has a 50lb. weight restriction, so 6 lbs of dominoes seems like a really good idea. ;)