We've got just a couple of minutes to spare.
The team will get the mission and village tour and begin to work on projects today.
Isaac got to know Nikolas, a ten year old boy who his here with the team from Michigan. He came in last night and it went like this:
"Oh my, I really like that Nikolas, he is such a nice boy Mom. I like him and he likes me too. Oh, he is so nice. I LOVE him being here." Then it went on for a good five minutes... Nikolas, Nikolas, Nikolas ... the best human being ever born, and on and on and on.
`Noah, who had not been allowed to go out and get to know Nikolas just got sick of it. And he got jealous. I tucked them in and left the room. I heard Noah say "Issac, that is enough about Nikolas - I don't like him!"
HA! Noah has an advanced vocab for pre-three and he put it to good use last night. ENOUGH rubbing it in that you have a friend already!
I have a friend from IL and her daughter coming later today to visit us (and another missionary.) She has a daughter that is a friend of Paige's so Paige is pretty pumped to have three days without a full school load while her buddy is here.
Phoebe has one of the worst cases of Cradle Cap I have ever seen. Hope keeps calling it "seeds" - she says, "Mom do you want me to pick the seeds out of Phoebe's hair?" Hope and I are like mother monkey's constantly picking at the poor baby. It is really a bad case, but with all that hair it is hard to work on it. Any bright ideas on helping her get rid of it?
Okay. I told you it was trivial. Sorry I don't have anything smart or funny for you.
TINA- We see this truck a lot in Port au Prince. We finally got a photo of it for you. Maybe when you're here in April we can hook you up with a ride in the back. YOU, little sister, are premium quality too!