Britt was escorted down the aisle by both of her Dads. The entire ceremony was so lovely. They wrote their own vows and had Troy sing one song. Chris's Dad is a Pastor and performed the ceremony.
The fact that our sweet Britty girl is off and truly beginning her life as an adult feels surreal to us. We are so proud of her and know that she and Chris will work hard to grow together in life and in faith. We're excited to watch and cheer! Congratulations to newest Mr. & Mrs. Bernard!
(Troy took some photos and will post a couple of his favorites later tonight. Right now we're taking off for awhile. Marica let me cheat and sent me these via email ... there are of course tons more of the entire wedding party, the Bernard and Berg families - but Marica hooked us up with some Livesay pics ... that is the beauty of knowing the photographer.)