This week -

Run Report-
- We have an OB Doctor in town who has agreed to see all of our women for the full nine yards exam. Paige will spend a lot of her week interpreting and helping with that. They start Monday at 10am, appointments scheduled all week
- English Camp for kids in the neighborhood begins on Monday. Runs for six weeks. The Tlucek Family head up / lead that effort. Pray for them and the many volunteers making it happen from now until August 7th
- Please pray for Renald, that he will eat well and gain weight
- Tuesday and Thursday regularly scheduled Women's Program classes
- Friday a special clinic day for the OB Doc and one other Doc will join her. We'll rally and do what is needed to make it a slightly ordered day
- Our truck broke on Thursday. The "Terracan" is not a vehicle available in the USA. Finding the part appears to be the tricky thing. Anyone headed to Haiti from Korea anytime soon? Speak up - we need you :)
- Our house is far from healthy but everyone seems to be functioning well even with hacking coughing and much mucus
- Probably not going to have much time to update this here blog ~ work with us on that

Run Report-
- Week Four of training - done and done ... thank you very much ;)
- 1- the number of days I missed running due to melt-down illness mode. crying in bed is not an approved cross-training option, but I went with that on Monday anyway
- 2 - dingos maced because they chose to come at me and make me fearful
- 3- the number of times I listened to David Crowder's Surely We Can Change on Friday's run
- 4- bottles of water consumed on the long run
- 6- new marathon sponsors this week - Thanks guys!
- 8- the number of times I've wanted Dairy Queen this week
- 0- Dairy Queens in Port au Prince :(
- Friday's long run was supposed to be 9 miles. Messed up and did 9.8 miles. Finally felt like a runner again that day. Gave me a boost in confidence that I needed
- I bumped my little tracking device on the Ipod and it ended my workout in the middle of the 9.8 miles. I had to reset it for the last half for it to be tracked as a separate workout. I was mad because it meant that the little Ipod lady did not say "Congratulations that was your longest run yet" - I really wanted to hear her say that :( I'll have to wait for her vote of confidence until July 3rd
- If you know of anyone who might toss up another matching grant to remotivate the giving for the Mamba project, let us know. We're less than 10K from the ultimate goal of $26,000 or $1,000 per mile