Monday, October 17, 2011

art show!

The picture of the stick bug - and the entire two minute time investment that went into it - brought a buyer.

Never mind the buyer has little to no common sense - and comes solely for the purpose of entertaining us- it sold for $20 USD (not gourdes). 

As it turned out all seven artists had a crazy-haired man buy a piece of their art for that price.

The Hendrick and Livesay school-aged kids with their first customer collector.

Heather did a lovely job reviewing the day here.  These photos are also hers.  :)

Other topics:

~ Still no babies for Esther or Mama E.

~ Today was a holiday in Haiti. In 1806 on this day Jean-Jacques Dessalines died.

~ We had a short school day and celebrated the holiday by having tacos with the Hendricks. USA ground beef provided for this Haitian holiday by Texan Harold Hanusch.