While taking a break from slaughtering gargantuan swarms of angry mosquitoes, Troy shoots at rats as they scurry to and fro on the roof of the bird house next door. As you can see, spectators gathered.
We helped at the birth of Nora Etienne. Meet the brand spankin new 6lb 11ounce baby girl born to Astride at 11:18pm Friday night.
Sunday a whole family outing ...
We watched some TV, played a little soccer, read a bit, ran a bit, and laid around like lards a lot. We had church at home which is always a sweet time of conversation and questions. We talked about all sorts of things. The kids offered sweet prayers for their aunts and uncle, cousins, and grandparents. Isaac thanked God for the "courage and strength" Troy displayed "dealing" with the kids while mom was gone. :)
On our ride to the family outing the kids were telling us about a recent disappointment and change in plans. I said quietly to Troy, "Our kids are learning to be pretty flexible." Noah always a skilled eavesdropper shouted, "MOM, OUR LIFE IS ALL ABOUT IT!" (flexibility) I can't disagree with the boy.
We have a chore called "poop duty" at our house. This job rotates between kids over age 5 and means scooping poop off of the cement and into a pile of dirt on the side of the house. Everyone hates this job. Hope is especially cantankerous when her turn rolls around.
Our yard has two very large and productive mango tress. For most people mango season is a reason to celebrate. For us mango season doubles as a season of indescribable dog diarrhea while our large Mastiffs enjoy way too much fiber all night long. Each morning we wake up to the aftermath of their drunken Mango parties. Poop duty stinks even worse during Mango season.
That's the weekend wrap-up.
Look out, here comes May!