This young man, the freckle-faced comedian of our family, is nine years old today.
Not yet two years old, Isaac and Hope had been in Minnesota for nine months when I went to the doctor convinced I was sick, possibly with something terrible and terminal. The doctor mocked me, "You're not sick. You're pregnant." Much maniacal laughter ensued. That possibility was not on my radar.
Here we are - nine and a half+ years later.
Fast facts about our fifth child:
- Noah was born via crazy emergency c-section and required resuscitation and NICU. He has continued on in the same vein, with attention seeking behavior most every day since.
- Noah has spent 68% of his life in Haiti. (21% MN & 11% TX)
- Noah has celebrated all but his 1st and 6th birthdays in Haiti.
- Noah hates milk.
- Noah loves cucumbers, apples, and strawberries.
- Noah loves stuffed animals and dogs. He really wants another dog.
- Noah worships his big brother and believes him to be one of the world's greatest humans.
- Noah loves to make people laugh, has a wicked hot temper and a very sensitive and affectionate side that not many people know about. (until now)
- Noah is going on a birthday date with his mom tonight. (she cannot wait!)
Happy NINTH Birthday to our complicated comedian. We're incredibly grateful you were a baby instead of a terminal illness and we are madly MADLY in love with your freckle-faced goodness.
M & D