We know grace and beauty well. We know it well because we have been given it in the form of friends and family that model it with their lives.
We are grateful for friends that are safe to share the things that swirl in our heads, the things that threaten to drag us down if we don't let them out. I am grateful to have people in my life that can handle a faith crisis or a meltdown or a combination of the two. It is good to chat with loved ones that can live in the incongruity and utter chaos and tension of this life without trying to explain it away with religious platitudes. We have those people. People that sit with us in the discomfort and in the mess. Just sit.with.us.
This Ash Wednesday ( a day traditionally set aside to contemplate, pray, repent, abstain)we want to pause to express our gratitude to our people.We also want to be this kind of people - the kind that sit together in brokenness, feel the pain, and with undying hope, wait for the healing to come.
We are all waiting.