Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Before I go...

I am having a hard time sitting down and writing this, because my mind won't stop and compose a coherent thought. It's been like that all weekend. This weekend flew by, and we were blessed to spend time with some of our best friends and family.

Friday night I said goodbye to my friends at work, and kissed a paycheck goodbye also. I don't know which was harder. Just kidding, I'll definitely miss the paycheck. Ok, that was for my friends from work, who know that I will miss them and have appreciated working with them.

Saturday we had lunch and dinner with friends (fattening up before the arduous journey). Sunday's church service was bittersweet. I loved being able to play with my friends on the worship team one more time, and having another chance to be encouraged and commissioned for the work ahead. It was hard to say goodbye, though. Thank you to all of you who are supporting us and praying for us. It has made this journey easy so far. The hardest parts may still be ahead, but mountains have already been moved, so I know we can press on in faith.

I got to spend Sunday evening with my parents. We had a nice time catching up and having another meal (out to eat, of course). I'd better not get on a scale anytime soon. They are adjusting to the idea of the grandchildren being so far away, but glad that we'll still be in contact through modern technology.

By the end of Monday, I'd given up completely on any sense of order while packing my bags. But, it's done and I'm ready. I'm sure that I've forgotten things, and that I overpacked and probably have doubles and triples of things I might never need, but forgive me - I've never packed bags for moving to a third-world country before.

I am looking forward to getting on the plane Wednesday, so that the preparations and worries can be behind me. I am dreading getting on the plane on Wednesday, because I will miss my family while we are apart. It has been wonderful to have a few extra days to spend together before I leave, and I pray that the time will pass quickly for them until we're back together. Please pray for them and for Tara's travel with the five kids, I wish I could take some of their luggage ahead with me to lighten her load.

I'm excited that the time is here, and don't feel any fear about it.

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."

-Isaiah 26:3-

"Ou menm, Bondye, w'ap ba yo kè poze! Moun ki toujou kenbe pwomès yo, wi, w'ap ba yo kè poze, paske yo mete konfyans yo nan ou!"

PS- I had to look the Creole version up, I'm not exactly fluent yet