Monday, June 05, 2006

Love and Respect

Last year, Tara and I attended a great marriage conference entitled "Love & Respect". It was put on by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife Sarah. The main purpose and message of the conference is "cracking the communication code in relationships".

The theories are all based on this scripture: Ephesians 5:33 (NIV) "...each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."

The conference was fun and informative, and pointed out the common problem in today's marriages (where the scripture above isn't adhered to), Dr. Eggerichs refers to it as the "crazy cycle". Here is an illustration of it:

Basically, this shows that if a husband is unloving towards his wife, her instinctive (fleshly/sinful) reaction will be to act disrespectful, which in turn makes the husband react unlovingly. The reverse is true also, if the cycle begins with the wife being disrespectful.

I found this very interesting, and thought it might be good food for thought for our married friends out there.

I also have been thinking about this a lot ever since I learned something new this week:

Apparently buying too much mozzarella cheese is very unloving.


By the way, the lasagna was fantastic. We should always make it with two pounds of cheese.