Our friends from New Joy Church in MN arrived safely this afternoon ... we were late to get them. We have never left people standing waiting for us ... We saved that for the day a bunch of people we know came to see us. Ugh.
Troy and I got stuck in traffic holding still and were 40 minutes late to the airport. Thankfully, D. Zachary "Zach," the famous one, bailed us out and sat waiting with our other truck for the group to come out ... then he provided entertainment for 30 minutes until we arrived.
Everybody is exhausted from getting up at 2am to begin their trip here so they are all headed to bed now. Tomorrow is a full day but we will attempt to get on the blog and update you on the happenings mid-day. For now, we all need rest.
Zach ... thank you for the Malaria medicine and the help ... you are the best!