Below, some fun pictures of two of my favorite girls ... Phoebe favors Paige right now, they do a lot of hanging at the gate together making friends. It is no wonder they have no trouble making friends, they're both so darn sweet & cute. (In my unbiased opinion.)
I am a bit discouraged. Isaac isn't any better yet. Noah reduced his nap to just four hours today, is eating and not running fevers, so at least I can see some improvement with him. Isaac is still feverish and very off his game. Tomorrow (Wednesday) if he is not much better in the morning we will take him to Port for lab work. I'm not sure why the meds we're giving him don't seem to be helping. I can tell you that never in four and a half years of being his mother have I heard him talk less than in the last 48 hours. I miss his 1000 questions per day. :D
Overall we have been incredibly blessed with good health for our kids. A lot of people have told us they pray specifically about our health and we are very thankful to you for that. The Lord has been faithful in this area. Malaria has been limited mainly to Troy and I. Paige was our least healthy child in America and has become our most healthy child in Haiti. None of the five youngest ones have had much illness at all.
Isaac has not been sick even once in 17 months of Haiti germ-strain. I hate the extra crud and unknown element Haiti brings to my kiddos.
Since my main role and purpose in life is raising my children and they are my number one priority after God ---- bringing them here was something I knew God was asking me to do, but living what He asked us to do has been really hard for this mom. In being obedient, I don't know that I have actually been faith-filled.
The minute someone tells me their head or tummy hurts I want to scream "God, I came here --- reward me or something - please don't let them be sick!" It is stupid, I know. It is bargaining with God, and that is not really how it works. (Laura in CO your post brought this topic to my mind.)
God never said following Him would be easy or pain-free. I also recognize that kids growing up in suburban America with a wonderful set of parents can get hurt (in a variety of ways) just as easily, there are elements that are not predictable everywhere. I cannot protect them from everything, I've thought about it -- and it is too hot to wrap them in bubble wrap and tie them to a chair.
Wherever God plops me and my tribe is where His love and grace are sufficient to get us through whatever illness or trial. That is truth for all of us.
I enjoyed this blog entry called "The Unknown" , that I read today. It applies to most of us at some time or another.
Today Hope said, "When we get to Minnesota I want to go to the JUNGLE!" (with much excitement in her voice) I said - "Huh? The jungle? In MN?" She said, "Yeah, you know - that place where they have all the animals in cages and you can go and look at them and stuff."
Note to self:
Add the Zoo to the list of fall activities.