The OB Appt. went pretty well. Of course Dr. G hassled me and said I gained too much since I saw him in May. Whatever, I am so over him and his opinion. I am at 24 lbs gained total and still waaay better off then this time in Noah's pregnancy. Today I just ignored him when he started picking on me. I actually just told him that since I was the one who had to lose it, and I had some experience doing it --- he could just leave the problem to me. Troy stands back and chuckles from the corner because he knows I am fighting-off sitting up and punching him in the nose.
There was a small amount of confusion over one thing ... but it was my fault because I was being an American and expecting things to be like they would be in MN.
Tara- "This is the 28+ week appt. - I am supposed to get my Rogam shot today."
Dr G- "Okay, you have it?"
Tara- "No, I NEED it today."
Dr G- "Well do you have it?"
Tara- "HUH? DO I HAVE IT??? NO. Don't you have the shot here?"
Dr G- "No, you need to go buy it and bring it to me."
So he went on to explain that you have to go to Canape Vert Hospital and buy the shot from them at their pharmacy, it is $100. They will give you ice to keep it at the right temperature then you need to return to his office with it so he can give you the shot. Ummmmm. Yeah. That sounds convenient.
We tried to get to Canape Vert but got lost and by the time we figure out where we were we did not think we could get back to his office and get the shot and still pick up the Gray's -- so we will try it some other day. Of course, I wonder why he couldn't have three or four shots in his refrigerator and sell them himself and save his patients all the rigmarole ... but there I go again thinking like an efficient American.
The Gray's are here tonight, we're enjoying getting to know them. They will head back to Port tomorrow mid-day. Not much more then that to report this evening. Paige took Carsen swimming in the dam/canal and gave her the true LaDigue experience.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring more answers about Mme. Felius. Troy is planning to go meet with the family in Port at General Hosp. and talk to them about taking her X-rays to the surgeon that has been recommended to us. We're hoping to get this resolved or at least get a plan put together by weeks-end ... nothing happens fast in Haiti.