- Mme. Felius is HERE, as in - at the mission. She is set-up to spend the next week in one of the rooms in the newer building. The Doctor told Troy he did not want her in the transitional place or going to PT yet. I don't get why. Sometime I will get an appointment to talk to Troy for a few minutes and if I understand why, I'll let you know. Plan A never sticks in these here parts. I never remember that fact.
- The U.S. Embassy seems to want to discourage its own citizens ... With bad information and bad service.
- Please pray that some very God-like creative and amazing solution is found for Jean. What has been happening for him for the last six weeks has not changed much at all. Things that were going well are now going very poorly. We're needing to find a way to get him better, bigger, more sufficient help. This needs to happen in the next three weeks.
In happy news, the VBS was well-attended and went off without hitches again today. Tomorrow wraps up the whole thing with a morning session and then a Carnival type event and a movie in the late afternoon and evening.