The team blessed us with lots of cool treats today. They cleaned ceiling fans, kitchen cabinets and baby-sat. THANK-YOU GUYS!!!
Troy, Britt, Paige and I went on an all-day outing without the little people. We had a nice lunch at the Montana and got to meet up with Zach and Lori (Real Hope for Haiti) and then Beth and John (Heartline Ministries/Maranatha Children's Home.) We officially started our goodbye's because Zach and Beth are both leaving this week and won't return to Haiti until after we have already gone.
The team heads to the airport in the morning. They had a great week here and we ALL had the pleasure of seeing God at work in LaDigue.
Britt is sending most of her stuff back to America with the Michigan team, we'll retrieve it from them at some point. The next two weeks are packed with more to do than can be done ... so we feel we are officially entering our "departure stage" ... a 3+ month maternity break/furlough sounded really good back when we planned it in April. But now that it is almost here, we are all getting sad and feeling like our bright idea was not so bright. Troy already thinks he cannot deal with being gone that long ... we'll see, maybe the plan will evolve a bit yet. It is weird (good weird) how much Haiti has become home even after just a year and a half. We started having our impromptu cries today, if we space them out over the next two weeks it won't be such a scene on the day(s) we fly out.