Last year we looked at 10 years here.
I’m sure this is not new information to anyone, but I’m realizing that as I get older time seems to get compressed and pass by more quickly. Today Tara and I have been married for eleven years. It seems like those years have passed by at warp speed – if it weren’t for the laws of mathematics and the sheer number of children surrounding us I wouldn’t believe it was possible. It’s tempting and all too cliché to wish for the time to slow down… but the truth is – I don’t care if it seems to pass slowly or if it goes quickly. Even though it’s been a wild ride – the time we’ve been together has been the best of my life. However quickly or slowly the time goes, it is time well spent and I’m glad it is with her.
Eleven years ago I had no idea what I was getting into…neither of us did. How many kids should we have? Ummm, probably not seven and then some…Where should we live and raise our family? Uh, probably not in another country.
I did know one thing for sure, though: God put Tara into my life and I knew that I wanted to marry her and make a life with her whatever that turned out looking like. I chose what God wanted for my life, and we’ve tried to do that together ever since…and that has made all the difference in the world.
I love you Tara, you are an amazing wife and mother. Happy Anniversary!