- Ran five miles with Beth, amazed by the number of 1.) Displaced people and 2.) Helicopters
- Ran by former President Aristide's house, the wall around it is down so we explored and got as close as we could.
- Earthquakes don't discriminate. The rich and the poor and the powerful and the weak and the well known and the unknown all feel the pain.
- Talked with my closest friend in Haiti about leaving her and how sad I am to do that to her, cried together and made each other promises that we will keep.
- Jen found a place for skin grafts for Kenley. Hoping tomorrow is a day of successful transfer for him.
- Had a talk with Geronne about our need to leave for awhile. Bawled my head off. I love that woman and I want her to come with us. Large rock in the pit of my stomach over it.
- Read my friend Kim's posts about going "home" to Colorado and Kansas and how confusing it has been and bawled my head off.
- Took one little boy to another hospital where a Pediatrician told me "nothing can be done" for his broken arm because it is healed wrong - "and it has been three weeks". Sorry kid, you cannot move your arm, that's life. ACK!!! Even an idiot knows that is not true so I called her on it and asked if she would accept that cruddy answer for her own child. GRRR! We are not ever going to be good friends but it did manage to get things stirred up enough for the boy to get x-rays.
- Jean (Amputee patient from this post) was released from Miami Field Hospital. He needs a lot of work with his crutches and is struggling ... pray for him to be brave and keep working at it. His Granny was hilarious. After discharge she needed to go here and there and all over saying goodbye to all the friends she made. I watched her zipping around from bed to bed and just laughed. She is such a character - we are entertained by her spunky spirit.
- While I was dealing with Jean and the broken arm boy (also named Jean by the way) Troy intercepted a pregnant lady and her husband who were unable to be admitted but were worried about their baby. We brought them back to Heartline for Beth and Jonna to love on. They were an adorable couple, anxious about their first baby, relieved to hear baby is fine and unhurt from a fall during the earthquake - everything looks normal and on schedule for a delivery soon. Here they are in all their cuteness ...
- Went to the hospital with two people, came home with six. Greg drove and Troy and I made human pretzels squashed in a tiny space in back of the truck with luggage. Called it a date night.
- Realizing my grace for Hotel Livesay is growing less graceful. Wishing I was more patient and kind.
- Read this article with great sadness for the broken traditions of the Haitian people forced by this catastrophe. Then saw this map and and wondered how anything like this can ever be quantified.
- Talked to Isaac's birthfamily and learned that one of his biological sisters was killed. She was ten years old.
- Prayed for mercy and peace. Thanked God for amazing encouragement from friends and strangers alike.
- Called it a day and went to bed.
(Click on image to enlarge map or photos.)