Lourdes Milla (pronounced lewd-mee-ah) Pierre is having her blood pressure taken.
She is just shy of six months pregnant. Her smile lights up a room.
Lourdes Milla lives in a small house on the river bank that is missing the back wall. It fell into the river below during the earthquake.
The blue tent is hers.
She sleeps there.
She stores all of her belongings there.
Her friend sleeps around the corner in the green tent.
The cement structure is also missing its roof and instead has a flimsy tarp over the top of it.
Troy asks, "What do you do when it rains?"
Lourdes Milla replies, "We don't sleep when it rains."
Lourdes will give birth to her first child in October.
I ask, "Where is the father of your baby?"
She replies, "He says the baby isn't his. He let go of me."
She tells us she came to Port au Prince for pre-natal care.
She hopes to return to Port Salut to be with her mother once her baby is born.