So are B & P.
They called a bit ago and told us all about their big adventure. They were super-pumped about the whole experience. In the PAP airport they got some sort of VIP treatment and whipped through the process of exiting, then walked back over to their little plane to load the dog and take off. The two pilots were very nice, the dog did not even stay in the kennel, she roamed around the airplane. They got to see all the islands and have them pointed out as they were flying over. In Sarasota they cleared customs. A man came to the plane, looked at the dogs papers and their passports and then they went back in the air 12 minutes to Venice where "Baywatch" picked them all up. Britt said they flew right over the mission and could see the cross and the entire mission pretty easily. They will spend the next 40 hours being spoiled by the Bernard family until Hope, Ike, Noah and I can get to them on Saturday.
This afternoon I told Troy it was either- lay down and rest or melt down into a whaling pile of ugly faced-crying; his choice. He told me to go take a nap; melt-down diverted for another day. It is coming though. I can feel it.

Some people speak of God's direction being given to them in dreams. I know a few people who really do have neat stories of dreams and visions God has given them. While I have experienced clear direction, that I knew was from God ---- for me, it is never in the form of a dream.
While napping I dreamed that the kids and I were a few hours into our drive across the U.S. My bladder is being stomped on by a baby that seems to have grown in recent days. (Isaac walked in this morning and said, "You sure are getting pregnant-er Mom!")
I worry about bathroom availability quite a bit. Haiti is not a place for a person who needs frequent potty stops. Strategic planning must be employed. Anyway, we are in Florida, I need to go but there are no rest stops or gas stations anywhere. I decide to stop and go 'Haiti-style' on the side of the road.
A cop drives by, sees me, arrests me, throws me in jail. Troy cannot be reached, the kids sort of go on without me, and I give birth to our baby in jail. Thankfully, the Lord does not speak to me through dreams. Hopefully He is not starting with this one.
There are bathrooms along the interstate in Florida ... Aren't there?