Troy wanted signs made. He called his sign-making friend, Lulu. Troy described what the sign should say. In the past all signs produced by Lulu were the size of the "Livesay" sign, which he gifted us to build obligation (and relationship.) Troy made an assumption that the sign size would remain constant when he requisitioned the new piece. You know what they say happens when you assume.

Anyway, this is the sign he received today. Lulu apparently needed some cash this week. Bigger signs cost more. Poor Troy, the sucker.

Anyway, this is the sign he received today. Lulu apparently needed some cash this week. Bigger signs cost more. Poor Troy, the sucker.

Troy and Peter had another full day in Port today. They went to food for the poor, a ministry that gives food and RANDOM things to other ministries in Haiti. The wait was three hours. Today it seemed worth it, the items were good ones.
Phoebe played in our make-shift bathtub. It was a lot of fun --- until Noah knocked it over - the living room floors have never been so clean.
Britt and Paige hiked to PetitBwa - they were up and gone at 6am. They had a fun time together and took some fun photos. I think one of them wants to "blog-it" later, so I won't put up the photos. They hid in a Mango tree and scared some poor man so badly that he dropped to the ground. Paige keeps laughing when she thinks of it --- apparently he did not expect to see two pasty little white girls up in the mango tree.
As of this moment, there is a plan in the works to get Mme Felius transferred to the surgeon tomorrow. We're trying to sort out the funding issues and determine if it can happen.