Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Photos from Mon-Tue-Wed

Attempt number 234, of the Valentine photo message. Isaac was not amused with Jack-Jack at this point. Hope just held her grin the entire 15 minutes.The ladies checking e-mail. They would like me to share their addresses. Britt- and Paige- Nurse Britt fixing up a recess soccer injury.Fourth Grade Class - Lifeline School (classroom under our house - first level)
Kids at neighboring school - eating lunch
Isaac peeking out from neighbor school. (The little ones went with Troy to drop off food.)
Hope, Isaac and Noah "helping" daddy at the school down the road.
A new favorite photo of our dorky little boy. He WANTED to wear socks. Don't ask us why. Sometimes you give in just for the sake of peace with this ornery kid.
The ladies with the little baby chicks that are running around here.