Tomorrow, September 11th our friend Jen Halverson is moving to Haiti. She is a Pediatrician that we enjoyed meeting about a year or more ago. She is from the great state of MN and will be residing in Haiti for the next 9 months to work with St. Damiens hospital in Tabarre. Please pray for her as she settles into life in Haiti and her new postion in the E.R. there. She is a super-cool chick, is very smart, and already knows Creole so things should go well for her. Prayers are still always appreciated.
I can barely sort out what I think about anything -- it is imparing my ability to write. Also, Noah refuses to sleep through the night and his wake-ups along with my dicomfort/insomnia are making me feel too tired to write something intelligent or funny. And, our internet is not working in our apartment ... so you see -- my excuses are many.
I spend the afternoon at the house we own (or the bank owns) yesterday. Our renter is great, I never want her to leave. When she does leave we have big decisions to make. I don't want to make those decisions anytime soon. Being in the house we first bought together and going through our crap just makes me all confused about everything. I hate that "stuff" can do that to me. It is just odd to see your whole previous life packed into a storage room.
I have some photos of the girls on the dock at the house. Once I have internet downstairs I will add them to this post.
Troy, this is getting too long now. I miss you so much. I cannot wait until you are here.