Britt and Paige took their brother to an amusement park today. The rest of us are too pregnant or too short to ride rides, we are going through boxes of clothes trying to get organized.
Isaac called me, here is what he said:
"Mom - Oh - aaaahhhhh -- sbllbjajfdlkhejhrahgjkgbng kjfd kjfh -- fdfhadkfh - dfjalkdjfdklsjf ... wecvkhjrfgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom, you won't believe it. dfjdkgjdklgjdkjwejfkj. Roller Coaster. dkfjdkfjdfjkjdfkjd"
Or something like that.
He is FAR too spazzy to comprehend, but from what I gathered he likes it. Britt said if they did not ride another ride, her day would be complete because they are laughing so hard at how amazed he is by all of it.
He absolutely cannot believe such a place exists. :-)