Troy sent me this photo with the title "I think she has a drinking problem."
As he has attempted to manage the mission and his active 10 month old baby-girl, the need to degaje (just make something work) has happened numerous times.
Here Phoebe was exhausted from missing nap and clearly she is about to waste away and cannot miss a bottle ... So Troy made her a bottle at the water cooler, handed it to her and went to the gate to deal with whatever there was to deal with. When he came back, this is what he found.
;-) Some would call it neglect, poor parenting, unsafe ... not me. Good work babe. Napping can happen anywhere, nobody said a crib is the only place a girl can catch some zzzz's. My only question - WHERE are her capris that match that shirt? ;-) Kidding ... I am only kidding.
Tonight I am determined not to pad around the house from 1 to 3 am --- I have a plan to combat the insomnia ... not with Phoebe's method of hitting the bottle --- but with actually pulling out my Bible and reading. Bright idea, huh?!?!?! Yeah. It did not occur to me last night. Troubling, isn't it? What should I read ... God's word OR crap on the Internet. Certainly the sleep deprivation has fogged my bettter judgement. Or at least that is the excuse I am using.
We are all pretty pumped up for tomorrow. We have a trip planned to the Como Zoo in St.Paul. It is a pretty fun and decent zoo that also happens to be FREE ... which is right in our price range. Woot. Remember Hope asked if we could go to the jungle when we got back to Minnesota ... well, she meant the Zoo and tomorrow her wish will be granted. *I* like this zoo because it is small and easy to navigate and we will be able to see everything in under two point five hours ... meaning we are back long before nap time.
Both Hope and Ike enjoyed another great day of Kindergarten today (they go two and three days a week alternating) and I enjoyed when the teacher called me to tell me that, 'They are such amazingly KIND children." My heart was warmed. Troy is rubbing off on them. ;-) I also enjoyed seeing the booklet of the kids in their class. It was put together so the kids could work on learning names on the non-school days. Isaac had told me there was "one other brown kid -- maybe from Haiti" -- but Hope had corrected him saying, "No he is sort of brown but he is from here I think." They showed me the kid; he MIGHT have some Italian genes. Maybe he has a great-grandpa in Chile - at best. They are funny little people ... but they are right, their class is very blonde hair - blue eye, sort of Scandinavian Barbie looking kids ... so this kid does appear "different." I love to hear them think it all through and see things through their eyes.