Lyd had an okay night. She cries A LOT and is obviously feeling some pain. Her fever has been down for about 24 hours now though, we're thankful for that.
I don't know yet what the day will bring. I still hope we'll get to leave today but I won't know until later in the day. Troy has gone to a "peace tribunal" appointment to deal with an employee issue. The container is also coming today. He has a lot to juggle right now and we're about to enter into weeks of many, many visitors. We definitely feel overwhelmed at all that must happen.
To pass time today I am listening to Dave Johnson at I highly recommend going there and clicking on "recent sermons" on the right and then listening to January 13th first (called "So, What were you expecting?") - there is even a Haiti illustration in the sermon. Then January 20th is good too. Maybe you'll find an application for your life, I know I am.
Thank you for praying. I have been so fearful on and off ... the prayers help me with that.