Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Wave One Gone

Britt brought Troy and Phoebe to the airport this morning. She insisted. I did not even attempt to argue because they left the house at 5am. As I write this they are about half way to Miami.

Britt wants you to notice the dog on the guy's shoulder in line for the security check. If only Peanut was a shoulder-sized dog. It was 3 below when they got to the airport, meaning we chose wisely not to gamble on MN weather in January. Peanut would not have flown out today.

Things did not go wonderfully at the airport. There is an embargo until January 10, so Troy could not check an extra bag as we had hoped. His bags were over-weight so they had to jockey the items around and send Britt home with the extra bag. Then the flight was delayed 90 minutes. Troy and Phoebe will have to book-it if they are going to make the 2pm flight to Haiti ... we're praying for them because staying in Miami would be harder to pull off than just getting home this afternoon. Running through the concourse with a kid, a guitar and a carry on will be challenging at best.

Peanut is enjoying her time in southern Texas; sitting pool-side sipping on a lemonade and catching rays. She played 18 yesterday, beat Grandpa pretty badly. We all hate her right now.

Stay warm, wherever you are.