Monday, May 16, 2011

this school-house rocks

Above is a photo of the building currently under construction on the new Heartline property. The inside will be divided into three sections. There will be windows and a bathroom. Paige is begging and pleading for A/C. That request is being taken under advisement. 

This building was donated to us by a sweet couple that worked in Haiti in 2010. They gave it to Heartline earlier this year as their generous parting gift.  It just recently came out of customs and the work to put it up began.  We will be using this building as our schoolhouse for seven remarkable students. In the future three younger siblings will join the party. The teachers can be thankful it is not time for that yet. Once Lydia Livesay and Hudson Hendrick combine their powers and capitalize on the strength of so much alliteration and evil spunk we'll all be served notice and begin sleeping with one eye open.

Over Memorial Day weekend we hope to finalize our search process and make plans with their teacher(s) for the 2011-2012 school year.  God help those poor souls those BRAVE souls. 

We are super pumped to paint and decorate and make it off the hook schoolish looking ... Because everybody knows you cannot learn unless you are surrounded by bulletin boards and maps and giant alphabets and lots of primary colors. 

We haven't officially named the school. 'Heartline's School for lard MKs'(HS4LMK)has been pitched.  

Better ideas?