Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Matthew 25:14-30
“Well done, my good and faithful servant. …Come, share your master’s joy.”

Every day we open our eyes on the same world that Jesus did, and every day we face the same challenge: Confront the evil in our midst or surrender to it; do what we can to help or bury our talents in the ground.

It wasn’t Christ’s practice to address broad issues such as sin, sickness, poverty, or despair. Instead, He approached individuals - sinful ones, sick ones, poor ones, and desperate ones – and tackled problems one person at a time.
That’s all the Lord asks of us.

None of us is ill-equipped for our Christian mission. God has outfitted each of us with something to offer, and He expects us to use our talents — to take risks as Jesus did — and invest what we have been given to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in our world.

This gospel parable is Christ’s polite way of telling us, “Don’t just stand there. Do something.” Because when we are called before God to give an accounting of our lives, the question He will put to us is not, “Were you successful?” but “Did you try?”

{Copied that devotional because the part about tackling problems one person at a time speaks truth ... We believe we're called into relationship and asked to use our gifts in relationship. Our desire should be to truly care about the people we work/live/interact with  - focusing on loving and serving and doing no harm.}