Sunday, March 26, 2006

All things are relative

This is our Port au Prince Church - It is called Port au Prince Fellowship. We have never been happier to drive two hours anywhere in our lives. We all look forward to going.

It is worth the drive! Today our pastor preached on walking out your faith. Focusing on heros of faith, using examples like the Ten Boom's. Asking us all to walk out our faith in the hard times, not just when things are good. It is pretty easy to trust God when things are good, but what about when things are tough? That is where you need to do more than just talk about your faith, you have to live it. It was a great service.

Uncle Rick, we sang your favorite song! We hope when you visit us we can bring you to visit our church too. (hint hint).

After church we were on a mission to find the Domino's Pizza. It might be one of the only things we have seen here that reminds us of "home". When we pulled up we did not see anyone inside but just as we were about to give up they turned on the "Open" sign and everybody cheered.

We drove through this "market" to find our pizza.

The most average food in America becomes the greatest food on the face of the earth in Haiti. We looked like a bunch of vultures while we devoured our pizza. It was a really fun treat.

We have found that there are not many ways to spend money here. You basically need groceries, and then an occasional trip to the beach or Domino's ... but there is no option for mismanaging funds because there are not hundreds of stores, restaurants and entertainment venues begging for your dollars.

We think it is mainly a very refreshing thing. It is easy to be wise with your money and make responsible decisions. The groceries are expensive but because it is the only thing we are buying regularly, it has not too difficult to stick to a budget. God is providing through many awesome and loving people and we are thankful for each of you. We really feel at home now and are so happy to be here serving the Lord. We could not do this without you.

We were invited to celebrate Easter with our friends from church. We are very excited to spend some more time with them and celebrate Christ's resurrection. We are also looking forward to having Easter "American Style" (with a ham).

We hope you had a blessed and refreshing Sunday, and if you ate Domino's Pizza today, just think how much better it would have tasted in the third world. :)

~Troy & Tara

And Lastly-
This is the road that leads to LaDigue. The path you see on the mountain is the path that leads to Petit Bwa. La Digue sits at the bottom of the path. At church today we were referred to as the "village people" most everyone at church lives in or directly surrounding Port au Prince ... which makes us the odd ones out and gave us the nickname "village people".