We Love you SO much!
Happy 16th Birthday to you Brittany Rachelle!
Sweet Sixteen and never been kissed.
Wrong, we kiss her every day!
Sixteen years ago today, a nervous, unprepared, and apprehensive 17 year old became a mom to a perfect little baby girl.
There are not many things about that day that I remember really well, at least not detailed memories. But I do vividly remember one thing.
I had missed an entire night of sleep in labor. My labor had lasted exactly 24 hours. Britt was born just before dawn.
It was later that night, the evening after she had been born at about 11pm and I still had not slept. I had given her back to the nurses to try and sleep. My bed was by the door and I was in the dark with the door to the hall open. I was alone in my room. The nurse kept walking by and glancing in at me. On her third time by she said, "quit smiling and go to sleep!" I was lying there grinning like a Cheshire cat in the dark ... so elated over my new baby girl. Even if I was unsure and afraid of what our future might hold, I was still hopeful and totally in love.
I learned firsthand that the things that happen in your life that are classified as "mistakes" can eventually result in something beautiful. I am no theologian, far from it actually. My thinking is probably simple and jumbled. Hopefully I am not pulling this verse out of context. There is a verse in Genesis Chapter 50 that basically says It may have been your plan to harm me, but what you intended for evil, God intends for good.
Now, that was about Joseph and he was speaking to his mean and nasty brothers. Joseph had been betrayed and had done nothing wrong. I certainly cannot claim I ended up a teen Mom because of betrayal or anything other than by own choices, but I still think I can count on God to turn it for my good and His glory.
Britt is one of my best gifts. God is faithful, God is just. God works out all things to bring glory to himself. Romans 11:36 says "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." (NASB)
Britt has continued to be a blessing. The day of grinning in my hospital bed was just the beginning of hundreds of ear to ear grins my baby girl has brought me. She has a tremendous sense of humor and keeps us smiling. The way she has taken on the move to Haiti with such a joyful and pleasant attitude has thrilled us. She is disciplined and determined. We have watched in amazement as she has blossomed into a lovely young woman. We cannot wait to watch her life unfold and see what God has planned for her. We know it will be good!
Happy, happy Birthday Brittany Rachelle!