We were blessed to borrow a vehicle from trusting people we'd never met before. They mentioned having an "old SUV" we could use. Both Troy and I expected a white Bronco, O.J Simpson-style, but "old" did not really mean old. :) (Thank you for the wheels J and P.)
The youngest five all seemed only slightly impressed to wake up to us being back. The kids tell us the five days went fast but that it "sure was a lot of work for Britt and Paige". It is funny when an 8 year old is concerned about how much work he and his siblings create. I asked him, "How could it have been less work for them?" He said, "If we'd been good?" Then Hope jumped in to inform me that they were perfect and that it is lucky we are home because there is less than 2 rolls of toilet paper left in the house. If nothing else, we're good for supplying toilet paper.
That idea from April - that we'd head home by June - has died a slooow and painful death. Instead we'll go to Minnesota in June, and Troy and Paige will go to Haiti too. Come July 1st we'll still be stinkin' Texans. Will you pray for a breakthrough in the immigration process? We would love nothing more than a date on the calendar and a plan to go home - before school starts on August 17th is our hope.

The relationships developed in the poorest 'slum' areas as the medical truck went in and out almost every day for three+ months - are so important to us. We are determining how to continue to foster these relationships and how to best serve some small portion of their great need.

We have a friend flying in today to visit for a couple of days. Those who have been reading for a few years will remember that God provided this friend's hands when a certain little girl really needed help in Haiti back in '06. During both of our personal-family medical emergencies in Haiti, God provided Doctor-friends to treat (and save) our children. That "coincidence" has never been taken for granted. Drs Steen and Dr Halverson have blessed this family with their talent and skill more than once. :) We're looking forward to time with both of them in the coming weeks.
Paige runs 13.1 miles in 12 days ... if you've not yet sponsored her, please do! When Troy and Paige go to Haiti in late June they will have the privilege of using your gifts to purchase houses and will get to meet with a couple of the first families to receive the homes. We're excited and thanking God for the way He has provided so many gifts for this particular fund-raising event.