Our flights went well. We won't dwell on it or rip on the rude rude rude lady in Miami that treated us like we were not customers of American Airlines. :) Other than one little issue with Nadia our travel day was perfect. We landed in PAP about five minutes earlier than scheduled and got home to the crew by 5pm. Viv and Meg made a great dinner and the only kid that seemed ticked off at us for being gone was Phoebe, she got over it quickly.
We got the kids to bed and got to work unpacking. At about 8pm just as we were about to collapse from being up since 3am, the phone rang and Beth said that a baby was on the way. Paige and I packed up and headed out for a night of excitement and praying. The labor lasted all through the night and then at 7:19 am a LARGE, beautiful baby boy arrived.
Mom and baby are doing well and we were so blessed to be a small part of witnessing the miracle of birth/life. We headed back home around noon. I fell asleep three times at the wheel getting our crew back down to Tabarre after the birth. Thankfully driving in Haiti is insane enough that even asleep you seem like a decent driver compared to most. ;)
We're anxious to get back into the swing of things this week as life returns to "normal".
Tomorrow night (Monday) we are having a big birthday party for Lydia and Beth. It is hard for me to believe that Lydie is two already. I vividly remember dragging Troy to the "prayer rock" to announce the news that I was pregnant. Time flies and these kids are growing up so fast. It makes me kind of sad. (But - NO, I am not having any more babies.) I'll try to get over to use internet somewhere to post Birthday party photos for the Grandparents.
Would any of you planning to run the Disney Marathon in January of 2010 please write me and let me know. We're organizing all the runners to work together on a project and we may not be aware of everyone who has registered for the events. tara.livesay@worldwidevillage.org
(Photo of Britt and Paige taken last week in MN. Photo of Lydie taken by MK Smith in late September.)