Saturday, November 04, 2006

Guest Blogger

*Editors Note-

K.D.M, of Rochelle, IL demanded a guest blogger, and well; we just give the people what they want ... So a guest blogger it is.

What K. is really saying- is that she is bored to tears with anyone named Livesay, and we can't really blame her; we are sort of sick of ourselves as well.

Todays guest blogger is Carl H, from Michigan. Carl works as an EMT in the States, and is here in Haiti for the first time. He would like it to be known that Haiti is hitting him in waves. He is processing it as fast as he can, but just as it is for most who come here, it takes time to sort out the good, the bad, and the beautiful that you encounter here.

We have found that understanding and taking Haiti in, is an evolving process. We feel differently about many things now, as compared to when we first visited in 2002 or since we moved ten months ago. We know friends like the Ackerman's, McHouls, and Zachary's who have at least a decade or more under their belts. Their observations and understanding of the culture is even more evolved yet. No matter what, there is no underestimating cultural differences. 5 days, 5 weeks, or 5 years in Haiti still won't create a total understanding or easy acceptance of it all -- because we were born into a different culture and that is how we frame everything.

Maybe we will have more installments from Carl in the coming days, for now here is his first blog offering. Enjoy. -Tara

A first timers perspective of Haiti


When you first get here you will experience every emotion. First, a little bit of anxiety, getting through a crooked customs system. Troy was right. You have to hide how you feel and act like you own the airport. Outside the airport everybody is an ocean of people wanting to grab your bags for you, hollering, trying to get the best spot to get the best gig. We were blessed to have "Big", Pastor Rony, and Tipap there to grab the reins to get us AND our gear to the waiting trucks across the street. What a relief! They totally rocked! We packed our gear and suitcases into the back of the trucks and off we went.

Port au Prince looks like a combat zone. Thousands of people are just hanging out everywhere, buildings are blasted apart. Cars, busses and trucks are smashed, stripped, and/or pushed to the side of the road. People don't drive. They compete. It's NASCAR without the helmets and roll cages. Horns honking, people passing, hollering, driving anywhere. There is no law of the road except the biggest vehicle and the one with the most guts or least sense, go first. It's seriously anarchy on the road. Ever seen Mad Max? Welcome to Port au Prince.

Port makes Baghdad look nice. I rode in the back of Troy's truck with Pastor Rony and Tipap. Seeing people living in such destruction for no reason, and thinking that they have no hope, made me wonder how did this happen? How is it that a country so close to the USA can be in the dark ages? I began to weep, but caught myself, so Pastor Rony and Tipap didn't see this new white guy from America, who must be scared to tears. That wasn't the case. My heart had just been broken at seeing the great lie of Satan deceive so many people.