Sunday, November 12, 2006

MK's that don't like church

This morning we decided that none of us were up for the two hour drive in to church. Instead we slept in, listened to James McDonald (Walk in the Word) and had a lazy morning.

At the counter, sat Isaac and Hope chatting away.

Hope- "I'm glad we didn't go to church. I don't like going."

Isaac- "You don't????? Huh, well, I LOVE church because after church we go to restaurants."

Yep, those are our kids, motivated by restaurants; don't care much for church. We're doing a bang-up job down here, wouldn't you say?

We had so much fun at the deserted, public beach yesterday that we decided to pack our cooler of snacks and go back again today with Britt. We headed up there at 2pm, and stayed to watch the sunset. The girls had fun searching for Starfish on the Kayak and Isaac and Noah had fun throwing rocks at a jellyfish that we flipped up onto shore for them. Troy (the Haiti paparazzi) ran around taking photos.

Paige just walked into the office and said:
"You're gonna admit we went to the beach two days in a row? People are gonna be like 'Forget it', I am not supporting you guys anymore - I thought you worked down there!"
We did have a really fun and restful weekend. Tomorrow, it's back to reality. Thank you so much to all of you that believe in the work God is doing down here and support us with your prayers and gifts. We are blessed.
Thank You!