It has been so cool to have this group here because they are all so focused on absorbing things and really seeing, thinking, learning, listening and feeling. The perspectives might vary from person to person but what they feel, they feel deeply.
I think as a whole, the group is emotionally drained, and physically tired. They have seen a lot and it is quite a bit to process and take in over a short period of time.
I am enjoying reading their thoughts and blogs and seeing things through fresh eyes. It is raw and it reminds me of places I've been and places I am going. Troy and I honestly feel so blessed by this group and without a doubt have begun to build friendships that could go the distance.
Each of us comes to see and experience a place like this from our own unique history and perspective. I am continually aware that how I feel might not be how someone else feels - and that just as I am entitled to process things my way; they are too.
Whether we - as short term or long term or whatever term missionaries - can agree about "how to do ministry" here or not is irrelevant. God calls us all to our own walk with Him. We can agree that our greatest desire is to add to the beauty - to show love - to make some small dent in a ginormous hole of hurt and injustice in this big world - to truly feel what we're feeling without reserve or apology and to learn & grow because of those things.
Sara Groves sings a song called Kingdom Comes...
When anger fills your heart, when in your pain and hurt you find the strength to stop, you bless instead of curse. When doubting floods your soul, when all things feel unjust, you open up your heart, you find a way to trust. That's a little stone, that's a little mortar. That's a little seed, that's a little water. In the hearts of the sons and daughters this kingdom's coming.
Sara Groves from her album Add to the Beauty
This page also says some pretty thought-provoking things that resonate with me.