We were sitting around as a family chatting ... Reflecting on the past and then dreaming about the future.
Britt says:
"Wow, you guys have no home of any sort in the USA now. You really truly are Nomads."
(side note: by definition, We are really truly NOT Nomads - we would need to move more frequently)
Troy says- "Yes, and I find it kind of freeing."
Tara says- "Yeah, well I find it kind of frightening."
Britt thinks a moment, then says, "I just want you guys to know - you always have 350 square feet in Waco, Texas that you can call home."
It is nice to know your kid will take you in if you're ever in need. Here's hoping it never comes to that. A kind offer in theory; but not too sure how it would play out in reality.
Paige would like to point out that today she is officially 13.5 years old. (we don't do half birthdays in our family - but maybe she thinks you do)
Britt is already gone, her flight is early today. :( That visit lasted two blinks. Boo.
(running to bedroom, throwing self on bed, curling to fetal position, crying an ugly faced cry)
To distract myself from a life-crushing self-pity party over Britt's departure, I was up early reading this site.
(Normally I would distract myself with an over-priced cup of coffee, a giant chocolate covered donut and some shopping for things I don't need or even want ... but none of that can be found in LaDigue.)
This site is hilarious. Well, maybe I better clarify ... it is hilarious to me. I recognize that there are plenty of folks who cannot laugh at themselves, so this blog that pokes so much fun would be a stretch. Because I believe sarcasm to be the forgotten spiritual gift, I think his blog is awesome. I've been told that sometimes the things I write are border-line offensive. If you agree, and you come here simply to see if I will offend ... then you won't like this guy at all.
For anyone doing fundraising for a short-term trip ... this is good. We might try something similar and that honest on our next fundraising letter. I think it would totally work. (Uncle Rick, check out that post!)
For anyone unsure of the rules when writing about spiritual things, go here.
I've been working on a post about this idea of "being offended" - like it is something that happens to you and we have no control over our response (false) ... but so far- it is too offensive. Once my editor (troy) tells me I am articulating my thoughts in a clear- yet non offensive manner, we'll post it... it could be a while.
Happy Friday to you!
PS- To Kristen H. props and THANKS for the "SCL" hook-up/heads-up!