... mostly snotty, 80% chance of coughing - with scattered periods of headaches. Intermittent whining expected.
Ugh. In the last 12 hours - Ike-Hope-Lydie-Troy-and Paige have come down with a nasty cold of some sort. Noah and Phoebe and I seem to be on the cusp of the same thing. Annie appears to be done with a cold that started for her on Monday. All 18 minutes of our "rest" last night were peppered with coughing and crying. A sick kid in this house translates to seven to nine sick people. This is nothing short of exhausting. (Forgive the whining - I am almost done ... )
Envision me shaking my fist in the air in frustration.Now envision me on the floor having a Phoebe-like tantrum.
Dear Lord, make it five days from now. Amen.
Moving on...
Four of Eight pounds of strawberries that Britt carried in are now consumed and in the digestive tract. Noah can put away one pound per sitting without much effort at all. It is very impressive. Of the four pounds that have been devoured, Isaac and Noah are taking credit for 90% of that work. If we lived where strawberries were available, we would immediately be bankrupt.
Outside of our silly little colds, and the ongoing massive intake of strawberries ... We're also working through another situation. We would really appreciate prayers for direction and patience and wisdom over the next few days. Thank you!
Have a terrific weekend.