It is plenty sticky and warm here all of a sudden.
The mosquitoes are feasting on our ankles.
We sent Annie to see her former nanny, Jess, in Port today.
Tess is supposed to be writing a paper - but there seems to be some stalling going on.
The team did an AWESOME job painting in Bercy yesterday, they did an entire wall mural that brightened everything up at the orphanage.
Pictures won't post this morning- but I had this random one of Phoebe saved from about a month ago.
Britt is entering into finals week at Baylor - we're anxious for her to get here in two weeks - actually, more than anxious - totally excited beyond description!
I have no real plan for dinner tonight for the 23 of us. Planned on meatloaf but realized I don't have one important ingredient. What now?
The team will visit the McHoul's this morning and the Barbancourt Feeding Center this afternoon.
Tonight there will be a LOST party and a 30th Birthday party for Jamie Ivey.
The team will finish out their week at Wahoo Bay tomorrow.
Adam, an older man from LaDigue went to America for the first time last month. He came to talk to Troy about his trip. He said tons of interesting things. One thing he refused to get over ... and repeated numerous times - "People in America spend $2,000 to take their dog to a doctor!!!!" He could not believe that the money flows freely enough to spend it on a dog doctor. He has seen his friends and relatives die for lack of HUMAN medical care. We did not have much to say about that - what can we say?
There is a crazy amount of activity going on between May 8 and 22 when Britt arrives (did we mention we are kind of excited about her arrival?) We have lots of friends and family in and out and a big 30th Birthday plan for Jen next week.
I have writers block and have nothing of great interest to share today.