We're off and running again. We had a great weekend.
Greg and Marcia Erickson (Providence Ministries) are here visiting (their daughter) Tess. We have had a lot of fun chatting.
We had more Minnesotans gathered around our table than at any other time. That was kind of cool. We had fun playing six degrees of separation and realizing how many people we all have in common.
Today Jen's Dad is flying in. As a Dad it has to be kind of cool to come see your kid in action. When I met Jen's parents in March in Minnesota I told them that we credited Jen with saving Lydie's life and she will always be incredibly important in the telling of Lydie's story. It still blows my mind to think about it. Jen also will be celebrating the big Three-O tomorrow. :) Yesterday Paige convinced Jen to jump into the dam with her, Marcia got some really fun photos that I think she will load on her blog later.
It is a bittersweet time. We're winding down our time with Tess and Jen and it has been such an incredible blessing to have them here with us these last five months. It will be very hard to say goodbye ten days from now. Very hard. :(
We heard from a few of you who watched the KSTP show last night. I heard Troy is dead-sexy in it. ;) Kidding, I did not hear that. But he is. He had on a yellow shirt, but not *the* yellow shirt. Thank goodnesss. I also heard Noah and Isaac were in it for a nano-second. :)
Both of the feeding centers you saw in the video are out here in our area. We have not been able to see it on-line down here due to slow Internet so we cannot comment about it one way or another.
Have a great day! Thanks for checking in on us.