One of my favorite things about Troy's love of photography is the direct benefits I receive. I am amazed by his eye and really enjoy his Haiti photos -- but I also get to document my kids' growth without getting totally stressed out going to the JC Penney's Portrait Studio. That whole experience of dressing your kids, hoping no one spits-up on their clothes or ruins their hair on the ride to the studio ...
I loathe that experience.

Plus, I don't have to listen to their rip-off package schemes. You know, the package that allows you to chose
one crappy pose for $9.99 but if you want anything from the set of decent poses it is $169.99 plus your right arm. Outside of those reasons, neither Penney's or WalMart or their Portrait Studios have found their way into this market.
We wait ever so patiently.
So, late this afternoon after naps I asked the kids (and Troy) to humor us with 30 minutes of posing. These are a few of my favorites. Once Annie was added into the mix, things got a bit more difficult. Phoebe proved that surly, teething 18 month olds and photo shoots don't mix all that well. In most of the photos she has ice in her mouth to keep her happy. One photo (below) with cousin Annie added in turned out decent.

There are some other
really great shots of smaller groupings, I'll post those
for the Grandmas very soon.
Isn't Troy good? (The artsy one on the couch is my favorite.)