This is an appeal. I hope you'll help me. In case you have only been reading since the earthquake, I will tell you about myself. I am 15, the second oldest in my family, and lived in Haiti for four years until the earthquake caused me to have to go to Texas. I think being in Texas has been good and bad and easy and hard. I am excited for my family to get back home. Some days I really miss Haiti.
I've decided to run a half marathon. It is a way I can do something for Haiti from here. I'll be running it with my mom & my aunt Tina. This will be my first one, I'm very excited but also a little nervous. Like my mom did when she ran two marathons last year, I want to raise money for people in Haiti.
My goal is to get $500 per-mile.. so $6,500 is what I hope to raise. I want the money that I raise to go towards building houses, and getting a family or two back on their feet. I hope to be able to show you a rebuilt house and I will be making sure your donations go through a 501c3 so that you can have a tax-receipt too.
**Edit - The goal was smashed so quickly! I hope that you will still think and pray about getting involved - who knows how many houses we could buy!? ALSO - Maxima S.A. has offered to GIVE me one house free for every house I buy from them. They are making pre-fab homes and giving people jobs doing that in Haiti and want to help! They are giving me a house for house grant.
I love Haiti. I am looking forward to the day we get to go home. Haiti is my home, and I miss my home. I miss working in the Women's Program and I miss speaking Kreyol. I miss my friends.
I've never really been a runner before, I've run only a few times with my mom. It won't be easy for me, I have a lot of training and hard work to do. Now that I'm signed up for the half-marathon, I am excited to do this and be able to raise funds for people I love while doing it. My Mom is helping me train so I will be ready to race on June 6, 2010.
If you will sponsor me, there is a "Chip-In" meter to pledge any amount per mile that you wish. That money you give will go directly to Heartline Ministries and will be added to a major project they have going to raise funds for housing. With your help we can buy houses and Maxima will match what we buy and MANY families will be helped.
To sponsor me at:
$1 per mile please donate $13
$3 per mile please donate 39
$5 per mile please donate $65
$10 per mile please donate $130
OR more! Any amount is appreciated and will help my Haitian friends re-build.
Please sponsor me !