The handsome little guy in the green is Jaden from Texas. Jaden is six years old. After hearing more about the earthquake he asked his mom and dad if he could do some fund-raising for Haiti. He took it upon himself to go around to neighbors and friends with his plastic red heart asking for change. In total he raised $64 for Haiti ... all by himself,
age six. He was so proud to turn it over to us. We were touched by his desire to help and pretty impressed that he boldly asked others to get on board. We can all learn something from Jaden. :)
Troy will hand deliver Jaden's funds to Haiti in a couple of weeks. The two Haitian boys (both 10 years old) pictured are at the Heartline Hospital recovering from severe earthquake injuries and much loss. Jaden's donation will help them. Please continue to pray for Rosemon (left) and Rony (right).

Noah & Jaden (both 6)