By Paige-
Hi everyone,
I love Haiti. I think I start all of the blogs that I write like that. Sorry I don't blog that much.
I want to say that I am so thankful for my big sister. For those of you that don't know, she was the "mean mom" as Ike called her when my mom and I went to MN. Thanks Britt. YOU ARE A GREAT BIG SISTER I AM VERY THANKFUL FOR YOU!
I am still teaching English. I have not had as big of a turn out because it is summer. I still like it, most of the time. Some of my students are really doing well. Giving tests is my favorite thing.
My best friend here is Caroline, she was the same age as me. Now she turned 12. I was like "when did you turn 12???" She said "this month", most people know what month but not what date they were born. I mean why would you anyway? Most of the people out here were just born on their house floor. So, for her there is no party or anything... no special happy birthday. I thought that was interetsing. And sad too.
Thanks everyone for you prayers during my parents sicknesses! I am really happy that my mom is doing better.
Thanks for supporting us by praying for us and helping us be here. I am learning lots and having so much fun.