The Love Bundle program is one that requires much work and organization. When I first heard about it my skeptical side sort of thought "what a lot of work, is it worth it?"
Now that we have been blessed to see how happy and excited these care packages make our Haitian neighbors and friends, I "get it."
The Love Bundle program is along the same lines as "Operation Christmas Child." Each bag contains a small toy, a jar of peanut butter, a towel, and other personal care items. Last year 5,000 love bundles were sent on a container to Haiti for distribution in 2006.
When the word gets out that Lifeline is coming with Love Bundles, excitement builds and lines start to form. In May the mission team that visited gave out over 800 in a near by village.
Britt delivered one to Krispe, her man with the long-term ulcer on his leg, when she went to visit him recently. The next day he showed up to see her wearing a new shirt and hat, freshly bathed with the soap that was in the bag. She could tell he was thrilled with the gift. What a fun thing to be able to bless him in a tangible way.
These kinds of simple things that we all take for granted are huge treats for most Haitian people.
If you are interested in this program, or would like to organize your church or group to assemble love bundles in time for this years container shipment, please contact Donald Curtis at Lifeline.
Photo Credit- Scott Tanner 2006