Thursday, July 13, 2006

Driving Smart

All along "Route National 1" as you head north along the coast line, there are busses that travel about 70 mph on roads that are best suited for going about 35 mph.

These busses often say 'Port au Prince to St Marc Express' or 'Port au Prince to Cap Haitian.' They are the express transportation system between the big coastal towns. One time Pastor Rony told us you can get to St Marc much faster on one of these busses than if you take a traditional tap-tap to get there. They never go slow and they never stop for anyone.

When the busses come, you move out of their way. Or they will smash into you. There is no use being silly or stubborn ... or hard-headed as Troy accuses me of being. It does not matter if you have the right of way, if you were there first, or if you are on "your side" of the road.

If a bus is on Route National 1 and wants to continue on its way, it will. Your job is to get out of the way.

This bus met with a stubborn driver. No one got where they were trying to go. I am paying attention now. Busses have the right of way. Period.