P.F. Bresee, founder of the Church of the Nazarene

Next month I will be attending a portion of the 72nd Okoboji Lakes Bible & Missionary Coference.
For me, the conference is a part of who I am, a part of my family history. My mom and dad met and fell in love there 39 years ago. Both my sets of grandparents were involved in the early years of the conference and contributed their time and talents to see the conference continue.
I went to my first Okoboji Conference when I was just a few days old. I only missed a handful of conferences over the last 33 years, the few times I did miss, it felt like an incomplete summer.
Each August I looked forward to Okoboji and the Conference. Nothing has changed, I am still anxious to attend the conference. I grew up listening to missionaries share their stories from the field each summer and hearing good preaching and gospel music.
This year, I get an opportunity to speak at a banquet in Okoboji in August. My girls will be with me as well. All three of us are excited about it. The conference has become an important part of their lives as well, there are lots of traditions I hope to pass onto my children, this is one of them.