Once Paige was awake we walked up to the river. It is a beautiful spot. It rained a lot last night so it was a little wider and faster then in recent weeks.
The second photo is Lisa, our guest this week. When our teams and guests come, it is important for us to remember that taking Haiti in is an emotional process. We are still new but once you see the poverty for weeks and months you are not quite as devastated by it as the first time you see it. I remember my mom was incredibly quiet on the ride to the airport when we brought them back to Port to leave at the end of their visit.
Each person handles it in their own personal way, it is one of those things that takes time to process. Sometimes flying out of Haiti is the most emotional of all ... just the realization that you are able to get on a plane and fly away - while 8 million others will never ever leave.

I need to get to bed at decent time, I have a hot date with my sweetie to run/bike in the morning. Mid-day Saturday we are delivering Love Bundles to kids in Petit Bwa.
Oh, and after my first computer addicts anonymous meeting in LaDigue last night, (where I was the only one in attendance) I realized that I am way past admitting I have a problem and am powerless over it (step one) ... and have moved all the way to step seven.
"7.) Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings." I still don't have a sponsor though. What gives?