This morning we were standing in the kitchen around 5:45am talking to friends that have been staying with us because they needed to leave and we are unsure if they will get out of here today. We were saying our goodbyes. All of a sudden the house was rocking. It was the strongest aftershock we've felt yet. I looked on line and see that they are saying it was a 6.1. I cannot begin to describe how totally afraid everyone here is ... these aftershocks stir everything back up to the surface. I would have to imagine that lots of buildings that were hanging close to collapsing may have now collapsed. This aftershock lasted about 15 seconds. The original 7.0 lasted a good 45 seconds. Every time someone opens the front gate (makes a large noise) we all jump to our feet to get out of the house.
We're back to the clinic today. I know that so many of you are waiting on replies to questions ... we're sleeping very little as it is so we just have to make a decision to leave most emails unanswered for a time. I hope you understand.
Please keep praying for Haiti.