Just read this, loved it. - "Haiti's is not a story about death. It is a story about life after death."
Today a man came in that was in really bad shape. Not only was one leg missing and infected but also his hand was badly crushed and he needed a few fingers amputated. He was very stiff and seemed to be in shock. While they worked on him it became apparent that he is mute. I wrote "John Doe" on his file. I sat there thinking, how awful for us not to know the man's name. We were not sure if he was deaf or partially deaf. We just knew he could not speak to us. He was a tiny man, maybe a 28" waist. He had so much fear in his eyes.As they began to work on him Nikki, a gal that lives in Haiti and has been helping with interpreting, told us that there was a family member to talk to...she had noticed them watching him from the doorway. We had not know that.
The woman told Nikki that Emmanuel was unable to speak prior to the earthquake and that he understands sign language. She told us he is 50 years old. She obviously loves him and has taken care of him for a long time. She went home to get clothes and pack a bag to stay with him as he is observed for the next few days. His leg and hand are fixed up and a person who loves him and can sign is on her way back to be with him.
Emmanuel - means - God with us.
And He is.
A little boy named Fritznelson (that is two names for the price of one) came in with a bad bad burn. It happened during the earthquake when food was being cooked and spilled onto his arm, hand and face. The only thing done to him was to put a home remedy onto the burn. It looked so bad. Fritznelson received drugs to help him sleep while the nurses cleaned out the burn. They wrapped him up and he is staying a few days for aftercare and dressing changes. His Mom is due to have his baby brother or sister in less than one month.
Guests (with links to their blogs) at Hotel Livesay: Jonna (midwife), Joanna (RN) , Jen (MD) , Megan (adoption processing), Vivien (EMT), Ed (planning and strategy guy), Jon (working on construction stuff), Cliff (PA) , Laura (RN), Theresa (RN), Nancy (RN) , and Manoucheka (our morning nanny now helping with laundry and happy to sleep here instead of out in the chaos) and Mike (water treatment guy).
And then, the regulars - Troy - Tara -Jeronne - Peanut
We're close to capacity but still have space for the fabulous Greg Erickson joining us tomorrow.
A shout out to all my little people in America ... Dad and I miss you guys so much and are so proud of you all.
Kenbe fem.